Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Myia's first fishing experience was a success!

This is Myia fishing. She's not sure she understands the concept. So I stick this line in the water and what's supposed to happen next?

Oh yea, that's how it works. :) Myia wasn't sure how to use the reel, so she just put down her pole and started pulling in the line.

Well, then she had everyone trying it. That's Samuel sitting next to her looking to catch his own catfish.

Good job Myia on catching your very first fish. :)

Daddy is awfully proud of you.


Anonymous said...

Aren't they the cutest? I squealed when I saw her fish! I was so proud. I think I've only ever caught one fish my whole life!
Let's all go fishing next weekend, eh?

Kelly said...

did you eat it?

Bonhomous said...

myia doesn't eat fish. :(

bookwormlgi said...

This is SO cool!! It was great to see the kids.