Michelle Malkin has a post on her blog regarding a memorial service at Ground Zero that occurred today involving both presidential candidates as well as the mayor of new york. She is critical of Barack Obama and makes the claim that Obama tossed his flowers onto the memorial while
"By contrast, John McCain and his wife kneel and gently, somberly, place their roses down at the foot of the 9/11 tribute."I watched both videos and did not see the striking difference between the two that Michelle did and I think it might be hard to criticize every minute thing that a person does. We can not see into the hearts of the people. Who knows, maybe Barack Obama has a bad back.
On the other hand, if you watch the second of the videos (it's long - about 10 minutes) you see the two candidates walking along and shaking the hands and talking to first responders. That was touching to see, and in my opinion that's where the difference in the two candidates shows.
First of all, McCain has his wife with him. Obama's wife was not there. I like that image of the man who would be commander-in-chief to have his wife with him instead of having her own agenda. (i'm not being sexist here, if the candidate was a female, I would still want to see their spouse supporting).
Secondly - watch the progression down the line. Poor Obama shakes hands and is ready to move on to the next person, but he can't because McCain is having a meaningful conversation with the person in front of him.
Third - watch the pins. Of the first responders, one that I saw gives a pin from his lapel to McCain. Another one gives a pin to his wife Cindy. It was very touching. Now again, I could possibly be reading too much into this, but I did not see Obama receive a pin. He did receive flowers from someone near the end.
Here is the video that Michelle Malkin has on her site.
Here is her website if you want to go to the source: Michelle Malkin