Here are some flowers I made.

Didn't come in very clear - i couldn't find the focus button on my camera phone.
This one showed up better.

The pieces of myself
Cut off in desperation
As offerings to thee
I keep them on a shelf
They're good for conversation
Over a cup of tea
Contrasting McCain with his hero, Joe declared a few weeks back, "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and ... said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"
Nice historical reference. Except when the market crashed in 1929, Hoover was president, and there was no television.
Can one imagine what the press would have done to Sarah Palin had she exhibited such ignorance of history. Or Dan Quayle?
"By contrast, John McCain and his wife kneel and gently, somberly, place their roses down at the foot of the 9/11 tribute."I watched both videos and did not see the striking difference between the two that Michelle did and I think it might be hard to criticize every minute thing that a person does. We can not see into the hearts of the people. Who knows, maybe Barack Obama has a bad back.